Becoming a sponsor
The Future design Institute e.V. is the carrier organization behind the Beyond Festival.
A small circle of involved creatives is working constantly on the organisation of the festival. As a supporter of this non-profit association you help to financially support the manifold work of the BEYOND Festival and help in ensuring the independence, quality and continuity of the festival work. With this, you are making a strong contribution to a future with positive changes.
As a supporter of The Future Design Institute e.V. you can enjoy the following exclusive benefits:
- personal invitation to the festive opening ceremony and awards ceremony of the BEYOND Festival
- be the first to recieve our festival programme by mail
- our electronic newsletter
- a donation receipt, since the contribution is tax deductible (depending on your countries regulations)
We would be pleased to welcome you as a sponsor of the International BEYOND Festival and thus a supporter of the supporting association The future design Institute e. V.!
Please use our account number at Sparkasse Karlsruhe, DE57 6605 0101 0108 2995 46, or the following Paypal-Button. Thank you!
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