Ludger Pfanz

In 1958 Ludger Pfanz was born in Schopfloch/Middle Franconia, where he already founded the youth and cultural centre "Feuchtwangen" in 1972. He studied dramatics and literature at the FU in Berlin and founded the video workshop [Video Werkstatt] “Autofocus” in Berlin and became co-founder of the art and cultural centre in Kreuzberg.

From 1982 on he is travelling as a free film director, author and producer for documentary films and productions, across the world (e.g. China, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Turkey, Guatemala, Mexico, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Iceland). Meanwhile he was working for ARD, SWR, NDR, WDR and ARTE. Furthermore he wrote several scripts for feature films and developed a children’s film format. Finally he completed his film and postgraduate studies at the Hochschule für bildende Künste with distinction in 1993.

In 1997 he started to teach “film” at the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design and became the leader of the video-, film-, sound-, animation-, stage- and multimedia-studios and from 2002 to 2011 speaker [Fachbereichssprecher] for media art. Since six years he is in the HfG’s university council and in the advisory council of the Karlshochschule International University. Furthermore he founded the “PLANET” film production von Gülsel Özkan in Ettlingen/Baden-Württemberg.

He graduated in the EAVE program of further education of European producers in 2002. Moreover he finished courses in basic dramaturgy / comedy / thriller / love story / project development / dialogues and character development. In 2008 he also started teaching dramaturgy, inter alia with Keith Cunningham and Tom Schlesinger.

Since 2010 he is also founder and leader of the “Expanded 3 Digital Cinema Laboratory” at the HfG/ZKM, the worldwide unique laboratory for exploration of “content questions” of new digital art and film formats. He also founded the “3D Allianz Karlsruhe” in 2009 and an international 3D consortium (e.g. with Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and Canada). In addition he began as an honorary professor at the Karlshochschule International University for the study subjects “Arts and Cultural Management” and “International Media Management”.

Ludger Pfanz is coordinator of the EU trainee project [Fortbildungsprojekt] “Parallax”, a push for qualification [Qualifikationsoffensive] with Czech Republic and France.

Worldwide he teaches in German, English and Spanish, inter alia at the NFTS in London/England, at CIANT in Prague/Czech Republic, at the HFF in Potsdam, the HFF in Munich, ifs in Cologne, in Liège/Belgium, Universidad de Bellas Artes in Santa Cruz/Spain, University of Barcelona, at the Netherlands National Film School, Hochschule der Künste in Zurich/Switzerland, University of Edinburgh/England, Aalto University of Helsinki/Sweden, at the University of California/USA, KEIO University of Tokyo/Japan, Nanyang University of Singapore, Campo Grande in Brasil, as well as at 3IT Frauenhofer and Disney Research in Zurich.

Additionally he gives workshops, for example with Wim Wenders and lots of other international experts. He also teaches at the European program “Transistor” and “S3D World” and was part of the jury at the BAKA forum and several film festivals.

In 2012 Ludger Pfanz was elected as culture and creative pilot of Germany, while in the same year his symposium “BEYOND” received the award “Deutschland Land der Ideen”.

Two years later he became the founder of a European “Film Winter School” in Tenerife (inter alia with HFF in Munich and Aalto University of Helsinki). Furthermore he is working as an advisor at the art academy and film school in Zimbabwe since 2014. Finally he founded the program “Future Design- Artistic Vision for Europe and BEYOND” in 2015, an international project in which a triad of art, technology and science forecasts and their implication for art and the academic education are debated.

Film awards

- 1992 - EIN PORTRÄT: Rigoberta Menchù (live broadcast of Piece Nobel Price 1992), ARD
- 1996 - Amerikas: Awards:
*„Großer Preis der Jury“, 6th international environment and nature film festival in Sacile/Italy.
*Awarded at the Amerindian film festival II Festival de Cine y Video de las Naciones Abya Yala in Ecuador/South America.
*Special reference at the XVIII Festival de La Haba­na Cuba, as the best film about Latin America of not-Latin-American film directors.

- 1999 - Dornen in meinem Auge: Odyssey-Special-Price of the jury for documentary film, Interfilmfestival Nuremberg, Festival médias nord-sud Genf, international film festival for human rights in Nuremberg, exile film festival Gothenburg/Sweden, nominated in three categories at Prix Europe Berlin.
- 2001/2002 - HEIMAT BABYLON: Script nominated for the script award in Baden-Wuerttemberg, proposed for the „German Script Award 2003“.
- 2002 - Der Schwarzarbeiter:

  • 1st price for the best short film, international film festival Osnabruck.
  • 1st place for the short film award at the 29th international film weekend in Wurzburg 2003.

- 2006 - Greenpeace gegen Shell: “best journalistic film” at the eco film festival Potsdam.
- 2012 – Culture and Creative Pilots Germany: Award for “BEYOND”, “Deutschland Land der Ideen”.


2012 “The Temple of the Goddess” • 3D Installation• • 2008 “Multicultural Society”, 3D Installation• 2007 “Ertrunken vor meinen Augen” • Refugee documentary 2006 “Das Abenteuer um die Ecke” 2005 “Die Drehung der Brent Spar” • “Best Film for Journalism” Ökofilmtour 2006 2004 “Eine Allianz für die Zukunft” 2003 “Brent Spar” script, 2002 “Schwarzarbeiter” short film, Public Prize for Best short film, Unabhängiges Filmfest, Osnabrück, 1st Prize for Short Film Competition, 29th Internationales Filmwochenende Würzburg, 2001 “Waldeslust - Die Deutschen und der Wald” • “Eleanora & Alien” script/children’s film 2000 “Dornen in meinem Auge” Turkey• Odyssee – Special Prize of the Jury for Documentary Film” Interfilmfestival Nuremberg. Nominated in three categories: Prix Europe Berlin • “Nicht länger schweigen” Turkey, 1999, “Heimat Babylon”, 1998, “Tai Chi Chuan”, China, 1997, “Die Beschneidung”, Turkey, 1996, “Die Amerikas”, USA, Guatemala, Ecuador • “Grand Prize of the Jury”, 6th International Environmental and Nature Film Festival, Sacile, Italy, 1996 • Award at the Indian Film Festival II Festival de Cine y Video de las Naciones Abya Yala, in Ecuador, 1996 • Special mention at the XVIII Festival de La Habana Cuba 1996 for best film about Latin America by a non-Latin-American Filmmaker. • “Die Stimme des Himmels”, Ecuador • “Das versteckte Gesicht”, Guatemala, 1995, “Der Weg ist das Ziel”, Italy • “Zwischen den Fronten - Die Aleviten”, Turkey • “Asyl, Asyl”, script,1994 “Das unbekannte Gesicht des Islams”, Turkey, 1993, “Dances with Tailings”, USA, • “Auf der Suche nach sich selbst”, Iceland, 1992, “Rigoberta Menchú”, Guatemala, 1991, “Qué todos se levanten”, Guatemala. • “El oro negro”, Ecuador, 1990, “Der Chirurgische Eingriff”, Iraq, 1989, “Langsamer Abschied”, Spai/BRD, 1988, “Im Herbst der Bestie”, (BRD 120 mins).

Contact information:

Ludger Pfanz
Expanded 3Digital Cinema Laboratory
Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung
Lorenzstrasse 15
D - 76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 8203 2328